Tempo is a front-end library for time management specialized in date internationalization. It is based on browsers' Intl API, making its usage much simpler.
Tempo is a front-end library for time management specialized in date internationalization. It is based on browsers' Intl API, making its usage much simpler.
Quite detailed presentation of Tanstackquery router (released in v1 in December 2023). Explanations and examples about suspense, type safety, lazy loading, file-based structure, search params, state management, preloading cache data..
Netflix presents a new testing library, which has the particularity of sharing component and E2E tests. The promise seems quite appealing.
His predictions for the React ecosystem this year. Guest stars: Astro, Biome, Trpc & Tanstack router. It could be summarized in one word: Typescript
Currently in development, Meta has announced React Strict DOM whose goal is to standardize browser APIs for use in both web and mobile. This would allow having the same codebase for all platforms
Meta has announced the upcoming version of React with numerous features: On the agenda: React compiler, Server components, Actions, Asset loading, Document metadata
The old debate margin vs padding. Why today you shouldn't use margin anymore and how to define your spacings only with padding (spoiler alert: border-box and gap will become your best friends)
Experience report of migrating an open-source e-commerce platform to Next.js 14 and its new features (app router, server component, apps router, static prerendering, search params, fetching, caching, mutations...). The learning curve was not negligible, but he seems happy with the result with better structured and cleaner code. However, there's quite a bit of magic under the hood.
A comprehensive tutorial on using forms with Next.js. On the agenda: form creation, field validation, error handling, reset, toast messages, server actions.
3rd battle of this series of articles, this time between the 2 most popular meta frameworks based on React. Comparison on about ten points with the author's point of view (and of course some code)
Another experience report of a migration to Next.js 14, and a very different opinion... The arguments are listed by appreciation: 3 good, 4 bad, 5 horrible... Result, he regrets not choosing Remix
How to set up authentication under Next with the next-auth library. Different types of authentications, with OAuth support
Husky is a package that allows running commands automatically on each commit. It's quite handy for running tests, checking linting or code coverage, or validating code quality (for the most used). Version 9 simplifies the installation and configuration of the package
Which tool to choose between React and HTMX, and especially in which cases? History of front-end technologies, presentation of the 2 tools, comparison (with code please), and suggestion according to use cases.
Hono is a lightweight and fast backend framework that works on any JS platform (Cloudflare Workers, Fastly Compute, Deno, Bun, Vercel, AWS Lambda, Lambda@Edge, and Node.js). Its version 4 brings support for JSX to create components, static site generation, and file-based routing
Conform is a new form management library with Progressive enhancement first APIs, Type-safe field inference, Fine-grained subscription, Built-in accessibility helpers, and Automatic type coercion with Zod. It is compatible with Next / Remix as it supports server Actions. According to early feedback, this library is still experimental but seems quite promising.
A bit of backend in this frontend world. Quite detailed discovery of the framework with the author's point of view. Because I like to spoil, Conclusion: Should you use Astro? => I think so.