How Infinite Queries work
Great article about how to use infinite queries with tanstack query.
Great article about how to use infinite queries with tanstack query.
A new release for Storybook with better vitest implementation to run your stories as tests, new Nextjs plugin, and different size & performance improvements.
Shadcn CLI can now provide not only atomic components but also organisms with their new block system. You can easily import a fully designed and functional component. Moreover, it is compatible with Vercel's v0. I still don’t quite know how to process this, my mind is torn between fascination and rejection..
I must admit, i never really use scroll animations mostly due to its complexity. This podcast full of examples and demos just shows how amazing animations you can make with css. And its not that complicated, so be sure to take a look.
Modern frameworks advices to use formData to manage your forms. What is it and how to use it with zod for typesafe forms ? Description in this article.
Optimize your UX by improving your performances using PPR with Nextjs and Cloudflare Workers.
Wanna learn what is a file based touter and how it works ? Discover how Remix's team implemented it in their framework.
Interesting feedback on how cursor can help boost productivity while create a fullstack app. It's not perfect, but it makes the whole development significantly faster, as long as you know what you wanna do and how to do it.
Why use javascript when we can achieve the same result in css ? The new :has selector allow to define css rules according to properties from another element (works both for child or parent ones, no matter the level). This seems very powerful and could save a lot of javascript headaches and states.
Learn how to use url to manage states and components by making it the single source of truth.
Great article about how separation of concerns works in React.
Atomic is not only for design system but also for data management. Discover how to use Jotai, an atomic state management.
A simple way to create a table of contents in Astro.
Get a preview of Astro new features in its future V5 version. Content layers, server island, typed env vars.. Its all there.